Herbert Hill deals with Miranda

Herbert Hill

Herbert Hill (208 cm, Providence’07) will compete on the roster of Panteras de Miranda in the Venezuelan LPB for the remainder of the season. The American has already had three clubs this season. He started with Sonic Boom in the South Korean league and managed averages of 16.2 points and 9.6 rebounds per game. Herbert Hill later switched to Saigon Heat in the Vietnam VBA and played two games with numbers of 17.0 points, 9.0 boards, and 3.0 blocks per appearance.

The forward’s most recent station has been with Zouk in the Lebanese LBL, where over two appearances he secured 10.0 points and 10.5 rebounds per game.

Hill is hugely experienced and has played Venezuela before, as well as France, Puerto Rico, China, and Bahrain.

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